Yet another year begins full of excitement, enthusiasm, and loads of energy!
The year 2020-21 was not an ordinary year, as the current pandemic took us all by surprise. We now understand that this disruption is no longer a choice. But we do have a choice of how we respond to it.
Our sincere thanks to the Nominating Committee for giving us an opportunity to SERVE Indus, together with an able Board and executive committee.
Our sincere appreciation to the outgoing Presidents Maria and Sarita, the Board, and various committees for their inspiring and innovative leadership as they faced last year's uncertainties, by creating a virtual space for us to continue and meet despite the challenging circumstances.
Our theme this year is: ‘Together we can build castles’, a Castle of digital transformation that will assist us to face external uncertainties and support our members who shy away from technology.
Therefore, the process of digital transformation will be based on four main pillars: the first pillar of FRIENDSHIP interwoven with SUPPORT, the second pillar of CHANGE interwoven with ACCEPTANCE, a third pilar with UNITY interwoven with COMPASSION, and the fourth pillar of COURAGE interwoven with OPTIMISM.
We believe that this year we need to be inspired by John F. Kennedy’s words and “Ask not what Indus can do for you – ask what you can do for Indus,”. Hence, the success of this Indus year depends on each member’s contribution to organize interesting speakers while supporting our senior members.
We look forward to an exciting year and we wish you and your loved ones, much happiness, joy, and good health.
Radhika Kaji Ravit Kedem