Wednesday 23rd 3:00 p.m. to 4:15p.m.
(Please note change in time and date)
Residence of: Yasmin Assur
Guests welcome
Breathless in Bombay
This wonderful book is a collection of fourteen fascinating stories each giving an insight into a separate and distinct facet of life in the great city of Mumbai
We are absolutely delighted and feel extremely privileged that the author, Murzban F Shroff has consented to attend our meeting and lead the discussion. This will give us an unique insight into the way this collection of short stories evolved. Murzban said that writing the stories was a way of "striving to make sense of the great complexities of Mumbai and to sensitise the people to the needs of Mumbai's have-nots."
Each story stands alone, sometimes sad but always interesting. On finishing the book one does have a deeper understanding of Mumbai and a greater sensitivity to its multitudes of people.
Book for October: Gitanjali by Rabindranath Tagore
Book for November 1984 by George Orwell
Katie Dubey Penny Barton