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Friday 18th          11:00 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.


Residence of:             Gopi Vaid 



Mrs. Dilnavaz Variava is one of the first 2 lady-graduate MBAs from IIM Ahmedabad. She was the Vice President of the Bombay Natural History Society, a member of apex Government of India Committees and Chair of the Working Group on the Ecological Foundations for Sustainable Agriculture of the Government of Maharashtra. Her interests have been sustainable development, agricultural systems and their impact on consumer health, farmer livelihood and environment conservation.

Mrs. Variava will talk to us about “Genetically Modified Foods: Claims and Facts”. As 17 of the 20 most developed countries refuse to grow GM crops, the focus of the seed companies has shifted to the developing world, and India with its huge seed markets is being targeted for over a dozen crops. It will be impossible to segregate GM from non GM foods in India. Its spread is rapid and virtually irreversible, and concerns us all.

So far only cotton has been genetically modified. The first food crop is about to be approved.  Please come in large numbers to understand & help spread awareness about a potentially major problem for our country.



Anurita Chadha                                                     Valerie Almeid










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