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There were many long discussions between Maya and Ana first, and then with Ayesha Soonawalla, as they tried to come up with a year logo that depicted their own ideals of Indus and its members and how they should be seen, both from the inside and outside of our group. Ayesha managed brilliantly to create our Industree and our winner of the quiz managed to put into words all those conversations. Congratulations to our fabulous winner Jeannie Madan and the runner up Anuradha Pittie.


Winner – Jeannie Madan - in her own words


The image of the lady in the picture is undoubtedly an INDUS ‘Wonder Woman’.


It is no ‘wonder’ that this ‘wonder’ful lady is a far thinking person as her eyes are looking forward and upwards- a symbol of progress.


There is a lot of movement and rhythm in the lines - this is symbolic of the wind in her hair - wind being fast moving progress.


The birds which are intricately woven into her hair, show that they are flying ahead - far ahead of their time and age to spread their wings into new forays.


The lips also look like a stylised bird that has outstretched wings, skimming over waves (lower lip) the waves being symbolic of the endless ocean in motion.


The lines over the eyebrows are like mountains and waves- both mighty elements of nature, the former representative of being rock solid as the Indus International foundation, while the latter indicating change and progress. The hills and vales also indicate the ups and downs of life.


The lines of latitude and longitude which encircle the face, show that Indus members come from far and wide across the globe - the wheel (circle of the globe) being the most important discovery of mankind, being the ultimate symbolism of far reaching progress.


The face is moving outward- shows she can go beyond the confines of time and space. The waves of the cascading hair that come beyond the sphere - show that this lady is ready to break out of the limiting barrier; beyond all limits.


Last, but by no means least, ‘the jewel in the crown’ is undoubtedly the Indus International logo - centrally placed in the tiara, clearly indicating that Indus membership is prized, truly like a jewel, that is maturing with time, just as a diamond is formed - with time and patience.


The entire logo is painted in green - this beautifully illustrates our fantastic green planet - with its magnificent flora and fauna - and this reminds us that we must protect our globe in an eco-friendly ‘green’ manner by each member striving to reduce, reuse and recycle in a green world.


To sum up, it is no wonder, that this Wonder Woman will ‘strive to seek and find but not yield’.

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