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Tuesday 5th      11.00 a.m. to 12.15 p.m.


Residence of: Sujata Kapadia



Please note change of date


Guests welcome





The Aurora Borealis also known as the Northern Lights have always fascinated mankind.


People even travel thousands of miles just to see the brilliant light shows in the earth's atmosphere.


The Aurora, surrounding the north magnetic pole occur when highly charged electrons from the solar wind interact with elements in the earth's atmosphere.


 It’s like a celestial ballet of light dancing across the night sky, with a colour palette of green, pink and violet


. To the locals in Northern parts of Norway, the northern lights are a part of their life, as they light up the night sky in surroundings dominated by snow, rugged mountains and harbours. In this area the aurora has been, and still is, a fertile source for art, mythology and legends.


Today Dina Desai, our very own member, will share with us through photographs, her recent fascinating experiences of the almost divine attraction that the northern lights possess!


Amisha Himatsingka


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