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This final Desk of the Presidents is dedicated to all our members who turned up in big numbers at our meetings urging us forward. Also to our Chairladies for doing their best to give you great speakers and for supporting and working towards marking this Indus year a memorable one.


We have managed to raise a substantial amount and as promised will extend a helping hand to the charities we promised to support.


St Mathew’s school is very happy to receive a corpus fund... that will help them employ their teachers year on year , continuously. They won’t have to ever worry about getting a donor for their athletics training .


Sheena Kataria and Neena Patel not only visited St. Matthews but took the Kiddies Corner to them! They have been doing an amazing job of this section of Festival of Charity, year on year!!! Kudos to them !!!


Jeevan Sach was also visited in March by a group of ladies headed by Penny Barton to talk with Mrs Sani who runs the home, be shown around and meet the girls in order to get feedback on how we can help. We have also supported other organisations in smaller ways

and those disbursement amounts will be announced at the AGM One such organisation , The Dharavi Drummers, was given exposure and renumeration to perform at our Annual Fundraiser Event.


Thank you to Board, Exec and all our various committees - Computer, Disbursement, Nominating, Advisory, Adhoc and all smaller committees, hostesses and all other members who have supported Indus and us in many ways. Some of you are making behind the scenes contributions - we notice, appreciate and thank you all! It’s been an amazing year for us, getting to know more members , building up camaraderie between our committee members and always finding full support from all Indus. We welcome the new Board and Chairladies and wish them an amazing 50th year !!!


Thank you

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