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ZOOM meeting: Zoom ID will be posted on WhatsApp and emailed one day prior to the meeting.

Guests Welcome

YARON BARZILAY – founder New Acropolis Cultural Organization

Today on World Philosophy Day we welcome Yaron Barzilay founder of New Acropolis Cultural Organization in India, a non-profit organization represented in over fifty countries, established on the foundations of Practical Philosophy and Universal Fraternity. Its goal is threefold; to encourage the love of wisdom through the comparative study of philosophies, religions, sciences, and arts; the development of human potential through ethical principles; and the integration of each individual as an active and conscious part of society.

Please join us as he shares his passion for philosophy and his unassailable belief that it has the ability to bring about profound and sustainable change.

Shalini Chuganee            Sabita Chuganee


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