Indus International provides a platform for buyers to discover & purchase from sellers directly. The Buyer is not buying from Indus International. Indus International does not pre-screen items that are being sold on the Festival of Charities website and therefore does not guarantee or endorse any items sold by the Sellers. Each Seller on the Festival of Charities website has their own processing time, delivery methods and policies. Indus International will have no liability for the authenticity of the representations made by seller or buyer or for the product or payment or other related aspects of the transaction. Indus International does not guarantee or assure the buyer or seller in any manner whatsoever as regards any aspect of any transactions that may be done by sellers and buyers.
When the Buyer buys from one of the charitable institutions listed on the website, he/she is directly supporting an independent business, with their unique listings, policies and processing times. By making a purchase from the Seller, we assume you have submitted appropriate payment for item(s) purchased and have provided accurate delivery information to the seller.
Indus International is not directly involved in any transaction between a buyer & seller. All transactions are at the sole discretion of the Buyer and all order execution, deliveries and so on are the responsibility of the Seller alone.
If you experience an order issue, the Buyer must contact the Seller directly and immediately. The Buyer should check the Sellers return-policy, if any, before making a purchase.
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