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Free to be me POEM by Rayna Arya

The wind hits my face sharply,

As I squint up at the strong sun,

My hands are sweaty, but my feet are cold,

I’m scared, but I am bold.


Flocks of birds fly above my head,

And I focus my eyes straight ahead,

My hands grip the handle bars tighter,

And I know that I am a fighter.


Therapies begin as soon as I open my eyes,

And I face them with both smiles and sighs,

Even though they are exhausting and fun

I know they’ll help me in the long run.


The wind makes a swooping noise in my ears,

And hits my eyes, filling them with tears,

Moistly the tears that stream down my face

Are a mixture of joy and frustration,

But my ride ends on a note of determination.





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