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Friday 16th              11.00 am to 12.15 pm


Residence of:                          Anjali Sethi


Guests Welcome




Uncontrolled compulsive thinking is the fundamental cause of human suffering. The movie “THE MATRIX” starring Keanu Reeves explores the functioning of the human mind through a software program called ‘’The Matrix’’. We will be seeing clippings of this movie, interspersing them with discussions that help us to explore who we are, what our relationship with thought is, and the immense potential lying latent within us.


Anahita Sanjana is a qualified Biomedical Engineer who early in her life discovered her two callings, namely Yoga and Teaching. She chose to teach Maths & Biology at the J.B. Petit High School for Girls in Mumbai and simultaneously became a student of yoga with Jehangir Palkhiwala.


For the last 15 years, while teaching Maths & Science, Anahita would weave the concept of Yoga into her teaching & introduced meditative techniques to the children before the classes began & concentrated on teaching Yoga for the ICSE & as a co curricular elective at J B Petit School & Bombay International School. She is thrilled with the positive response & acceleration of learning by the youth since 1997.


In recognition of her services, The University of Chicago presented her with the “Outstanding Educator Award” for her work amongst teenagers.



Neelu Kaul


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