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Friday 16th                        

11.00 a.m. – 12.15 p.m.


Residence of:              Lyla Mehta



Guests welcome





When visiting a dentist one is often told, “Keep your gums healthy and they will keep you healthy.” Gum disease is a reality at any age. However, with unhealthy gums the risk of developing diabetes, dementia, cardiovascular disease, or even losing your teeth increases with age. To prevent this what should we do? What would be the ideal oral hygiene regimen?


Dr. Leisha Watsa, who is an MDS in Pediodontics and Oral Implantology, will answer all these questions. Apart from her own practice and consultancy in various clinics in South Mumbai she is a volunteer with Smiles32 Foundation that provides dental care for all.




Almas Manekia 

Mila Kahlon


















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