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Tuesday 15th         11.00 am to 12.15 pm

  (Change of date)


Residence of:      Selma Kriegner


Guests Welcome




The ancient instruments, including Tibetan Singing bowls are “struck & snug” in specific rhythmic patterns to create vibrational sound harmonics. Sound Healing is an excellent meditative, therapeutic and transformational healing tool. It plays a positive and highly effective role in the treatment of virtually any medical ailment for example, joint pains and abdominal disorders.


Sound healing is not just for ill people. It can effectively dissolve physical, mental & emotional blockages, and overcome daily stress, fear and depression. With regular treatments most people experience an increase in a zest for life, creativity, better sleep and sense of calm.


Kanan Jhaveri is a certified practitioner of Tibetan sound bowl healing from the International Academy of Sound Healing based in Kolkata. She works in individual and group settings. Kanan is also a counselor, certified ’Heal Your Life’ teacher and crystal energy healer.


Neelu Kaul


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