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Tuesday 11th     11.00 to 12.15 pm


Venue:             Artisans’ Art Gallery

                        1st Floor (opp synagogue)

                        52 – 56 V.B Gandhi Marg

                        Kala Ghoda


Guests Welcome




The Pardhan Gonds, mostly found in Madhya Pradesh, are a subsect of the Gonds, an  aboriginal or Adivasi community. They are considered the keepers of their people’s cultural heritage and lineage and are traditionally given the responsibility to remember family genealogies, transmit legends and maintain sacred myths through the power of their storytelling. It is to this Pardhan community that the internationally recognized contemporary artist Sukhnandi Vyam Gond belongs.

Through his painting and sculptures, Sukhnandi keeps his tradition alive by depicting the rich and ancient stories from his community. His paintings bear strong resemblance to the ritual tribal painting known as Pithora, done on the walls of the home to protect and bring peace.  

We hope  you can join us along with your guests to listen to some of the artist's stories first-hand. We will also be screening a short film about Gond work, that will give an insight into the motifs within tribal Indian art.



Avni Puri                                                                          Mai Suzuki



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