I would like to share our deepest gratitude on behalf of all the schools & communities that received the gift of the speakers as a result of the contribution given by the Indus members. Thank you so much for coming forward to support our efforts to take knowledge and learning into these communities to the children deeply impacted due to pandemic. This was a much needed and welcomed intervention to distract the children from ongoing Pandemic and to bring back joy.
The Rs. 40,000/- contributed so generously by the members of Indus enabled us to take speakers across 20 schools in the regions which would benefit over 1000 children for a very long time. Given below is a list of the villages and a few pictures for your reference.
List of Schools
Botoshi 11. Jaamsar
Nirgudwadi 12. Chalatwad
Kurlod 13. Hedichapada
Pathardi 14. Sargun
Wakadpada 15. Pimpalshet
Dadarkopra 16. Jhaap
Katkaripada (Sawarpada) 17. Khuded
Kudwa 18. Saawarde
Pathardi (Jawhar) 19. Gonde Khup
Aayrey 20. Pasodipada
Once again, I would like to express our appreciation and gratitude towards all that was shared with so much generosity.
With warm regards
Archana Tomar
Sutradhaar Social Ventures
Email: archana@sutradhaar.org Mob: +91 98202 25986’