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Friday 19th 11.15am – 12.15pm

ZOOM meeting: Zoom ID will be posted on whatsapp and emailed one day prior to the meeting.

Guests Welcome

What can we learn about the lowest point on Earth? The Dead Sea

Shada Elsharif is a recognized thought leader on climate change, green economy, and sustainable development in Jordan and the region. She is also an advisor to the Government of Jordan on Sustainable Development and Green Recovery, and a Senior Advisor to the European Bank for Reconstruction & Development (EBRD). She holds MEng and BSc degrees in Environmental Engineering from Cornell University and is also pursuing a Master’s in Public Administration (MC-MPA) at the Harvard Kennedy School. Shada is the Founder & CEO of Sustaina MENA, both an advisory and public awareness platform.

Shada will walk us through the unique properties of one of the most remarkable natural wonders of the world: The Dead Sea. We will learn about its physical properties, and what this body of water means in terms of Jordan’s biodiversity, tourism, and industry. We will take a journey into its history, but also its future in light of climate change and ambitious plans like the Red-Dead project.

Join us for this exclusive experience with Shada Elsharif from Jordan on the Dead Sea.

Nafisa Khorakiwala                          Shabana Abdulkarim

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